Re: Group Entity "Illusion"

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Mon Jan 25 1999 - 17:38:08 MST

At 09:01 AM 1/25/99 -0700, wrote:

>Ian sez:
>>The "no group entity" proposition is a fallacy
>Only if "entity" is defined so broadly as to lose most of its
>discriminatory value.

  IAN: I defined "collective entity" as
  "the ordering of individuals in a system."
  Are you saying that we cannot discriminate
  the ordering of entities in a given system?

>>inherent to atomism that overlooks or denies outright
>>the existence of holistic connections and structures.
>Nobody's defending "atomism" here. No one here has denied the existence of
>holistic connections and structures.

  IAN: Really?! Wasn't it you that said "a collection
  of objects can't itself be a physical object," and
  then modified that by saying "Perhaps I should've
  written 'mere collection of objects'." That sounds
  like a very radical denial of holistic structures.

Visit Ian Williams Goddard -------->

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 opponents and making them see the light, but rather because
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                 Max Plank - Nobel physicist

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