Re: ECON: Advertising

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Jan 25 1999 - 12:17:58 MST

> ...people buy diamond engagement rings because they're expected to, not
> because they see an ad on TV and think 'oh, I think I'll buy a diamond
> engagement ring today'. Galbraith's theory seems to be the latter; we see
> an ad on TV and follow the meme to go out and buy a diamond engagement
> ring even though we're not going to get engaged.

Your contention was that advertising does not create demand among
adults to a large degree. I offered this counterexample, because
people are "expected" to buy diamond engagement rings precisely
because DeBeers told them to in its advertising decades ago.
Other examples: underarm deodorants, shampoos, cosmetics and other
personal care products that no one realized they needed until
chemical companies started telling us that we smell bad and that
plain soap makes our hair split and that painted faces are good.

What about Microsoft's "Where do you want to go today?" ads?
They're not trying to say they're product is better than Linux
or MacOS, they're just trying to show you all the interesting
things you can do with a PC--which will more than likely have
their OS on it--but I'm sure those ads help Mac sales as well
by convincing parents that their children will be deprived
without a computer, or that their business will be less
organized and less competitive.

The most effective demand-creation advertising can be very subtle,
as in movies that glamorize smoking and drinking, or it can be as
overt as "Got Milk?". To deny that advertising creates demand for
products among adults as well as influencing brand selection is
completely at odds with the facts.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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