CFP: Teaching in Cyberspace

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Sat Jan 23 1999 - 23:15:29 MST

Subject: short articles?
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 21:18:35 -0500
From: "Ron Barnette" <>

Dear folks

As 'Teaching in Cyberspace' editor of the APA Newsletter on Computers
and Philosophy, I am looking for short feaures for the Spring
Newsletter issue-I hope you have enjoyed the recent submissions, for
those who receive the APA Newsletter.
What I would like is a short piece on how your teaching philosophy
uses the web to address course goals and plans that incorporate
technology in order to address these ends in ways that 'real-time'
class meetings cannot meet the challenge. I would like to feature
several examples of philosophy teaching using the web in the upcoming
spring issue.
Please send me your short pieces-by Feb 15, if you can-so I can
respond to you and arrange details for the APA Newsletter draft
Thanks for your help-this is a great service to the APA readership.
Ron Barnette
Valdosta State University
APA Newsletter editor for Teaching in Cyberspace


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