From: Mark (
Date: Wed Jan 20 1999 - 08:04:55 MST

Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko wrote:

>Meanwhile, is there anybody with some HTML skills and/or a few extra
>dollars and a will to use them to promote worthy causes?
Forrest Bishop wrote:
> I am instigating a privately funded study for industrializing and colonizing
> Mars using near-term technology and financing. The proposal
> relies heavily on forward-deployed robotics, early native resource
> development, private launch vehicles and one-way tickets.
> We need some marketing, law, finance and technical assistance. If this
> gets going within a couple months, I may include a very short segment on
> it in episode 2 of our television series.
> Forrest
> --
> Forrest Bishop
> Manager,
> Interworld Productions, LLC
> Chairman,
> Institute of Atomic-Scale Engineering

Mr. Bishop,

I would very much like to help in the privately funded project to
industrialize and colonize MARS. I believe successful industrialization
and colonization of MARS hinges on growth and development of key
technology. The cable television DISCOVERY CHANNEL featured a
scientific research project currently in progress at NASA. The NASA
project is TERRY FORMING. TERRY FORMING is the process of transforming
environmental and atmospheric conditions existing on other planets in
such a way as to make the
environmental and atmospheric conditions existing on other planets more
earth like.

I believe the success of TERRY FORMING depends on the growth and
development of NANOTECHNOLOGY as espoused by Dr. K. Eric Drexler, in his
book ENGINES OF CREATION (Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
Copyright 1986). Imagine trillions of replicating atomic scale
assemblers and disassemblers released into the atmosphere of a planet
with a hostile environment. The assemblers and disassemblers are under
control of an atomic scale nano computer. The assemblers and
disassembers immediately go to work changing poison gases into
appropriate levels of oxygen and nitrogen.

Mr. Bishop, you state that this privately funded project will deploy
near term technology. I have a question for anyone on this list that
can answer it. Why do scientist make such long range forecast in terms
of new scientific discoveries allowing expansion of mankinds

 I read about predictions that it will take 100 or 200 years to
accomplish such and such. It seems to me that such predictions discount
the incrediable power associated and inherent in each new scientific
discovery. I tend to believe that such long range predictions is a meme
planted inside the scientific community for the purpose of stalling
scientific progress.

In the book ENGINES OF CREATION by Dr. K. Eric Drexler, Dr. Drexler
makes long range forecast, but, provides a discussion concerning how
artificial intelligence can greatly accelerate design and engineering.
I think long range forecast are contradictory to the to the inherent
power of current and expanding technology.

Mr. Bishop, I belief projects such as Industrialization and Colonization
of Mars proposed by The Institute of Atomic-Scale Engineering will give
the human race something to shoot for, other than shooting at each
other. I believe public excitement and enthusiasm for The
Industrialization and Colonization of Mars project will promote
scientific progress.

I believe that Industrialization and Colonization of our Universe will
have to be accomplished by private non-governmental interest. I believe
scientific progress is so mind boggling that Lawmakers are not able to
govern in new emerging areas in society and culture. The new emerging
areas in society and culture are a consequence of scientific

Lawmakers are very confused. I believe the current DOG FIGHT in the
United States capital reflects confusion and is counter productive to
scientific progress. The URL below provides more information on this

Phil Goetz ( wrote:

>I think colonizing the Earth's oceans would be a far easier and more
>profitable venture -- perhaps a logical first step.

Paul Hughes <> wrote:

>Many others agree with you and have formed a organization for that very
>purpose, even though space colonization is their ultimate goal:


"den Otter" < > wrote:

>Planetary colonization (as opposed to ocean colonization) does have
>at least one great advantage:
>True autonomy; if you could launch a private colonization effort
>of, say, Mars within 10-20 years, you could claim the entire planet
>(or solar system for that matter) and no government could stop
>you. Their silly space treaties would be useless without fleets of
>starships to back them up, and somehow I don't think the
>cumbersome and uninspired government space programs
>are going to produce any of those anytime soon. Even if
>they manage to shoot something at you, you still have a
>year or so to intercept/blow it to bits. Think about it: claiming
>a whole planet just by planting a flag (if you even bother with
>that), and getting away with it. Also, in case things should turn
>nasty on earth (nuclear war, grey goo etc.), Mars is a great
>retreat. Far enough to be safe, close enough to keep in touch
>(and stay abreast with the latest tech), lots of raw material to
>use and a nice gravity well to keep those feeble fleshbodies fit
>until you can upload or become a cyborg.

>Nonetheless, it would never hurt to set up an ocean colony, if
>only for "rehearsal" (like the Millennium org's setup), certainly
>if your budget is relatively small. Though far inferior to space
>colonization (forget real autonomy or safety), it certainly beats
>doing nothing at all.

I tend to agree with the viewpoint of Mr. Den Otter, as posted above.
On earth, arbitrarily defined geographical boundries will always be the
focal point of border disputes and war. The earth is too small. The
mind boggling nature of an infinite universe will promote peace because
it will be more difficult for technical beauracrats to lay down a
precise border as a boundry. Ocean colonization will provide good
practice to colonize the final frontier of space.


Mark Gaffney

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