Re: Nanotech on "The X-Files"

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 11:54:59 MST

Brian D Williams wrote:

> I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned yet.
> Last night episode of the X-files used nanotech, in the hands of
> the bad guys. We will see this material again.

Yes, I'm sure the technology was developed by them specifically as a
means of either combating or aiding the black oil alien menace, which
may be why the house resolution mentioned in the episode was going to
export the technology around the world, so it can be rapidly deployed
when 'the day' when the aliens expect to take over arrives. Thats the
tough thing with the 'organization' in the X-files, they are colluding,
but they act like they are trying to do what they think is best. That
Krycek was able to control the nanites via what seemed like radio
emissions indicates a level of control over the nanites that would be
useful to immobilize a population rapidly to either inject them all with
the black oil, or to immunize them all against it.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
Mike Lorrey

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