Re: I'm Leaving the List

From: Max M (
Date: Mon Jan 18 1999 - 14:23:19 MST

From: Hara Ra <>

>Create 4 or 5 MODERATED lists limited to specific topics. Here are some
>topics to consider:

Well ... as a true transhumanist I must add that I too find the number of
messages a bit overwhelming. I therefore would like to suggest a
technological solution.

What about a news server? It is easy to set up and can be combined with a
maillist and a webserver with a little bit of server side scripting. This
way it would be possible to acces the same messages in a multitude of ways,
and it would a LOT easier to browse the threads and older messages.
Isn't it about time that the old maillist gets uploaded to something more

I would like to assist if it has any interrest. I normally do this kind of
stuff for a living and it is not that big a project.

Max M Rasmussen

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