Re: Future of Species paper

From: Max More (
Date: Sun Jan 17 1999 - 14:19:54 MST

At 11:40 AM 1/16/99 -0500, Harvey wrote:
>I'm not sure why you would submit suggestions for new species
>classifications to philosophy journals. I realize that your expertise
>is in philosophy, but if this is a serious suggestion for the extension
>to the biological nomenclature, you need to send it for peer-review to
>those who develop and confirm said nomenclature. Unless the philosophy
>journals you are considering are specifically intended to address the
>philosophy of biological nomenclature, I would suggest that your
>submission might be misdirected.

Yes, the journals I'm considering specialize in philosophy of biology and
philosophy of science. Some of these journals include papers by people like
Ernst Mayr, one of the leading evolutionary biologists, along with
philosophers whose expertise lies in analyzing these concepts as used by
scientists. Mayr's own papers on the meaning of "species" are just as much
philosophy as they are biology

>If it has not been reviewed by a biologist, and if you do not have
>specific training in biological nomenclature

Philosophers who are writing papers in philosophy of science know that they
need to thoroughly understand the scientists vocabulary. I'm surprised that
you would think I would consider submitting a paper on species without
carefully researching the area.

I found the rest of your comments puzzling. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with
philosophy of science. I'm not proposing new nomenclature that scientists
should adopt through a standards committee. I'm doing what philosophers
frequently do and which is their job--to analyze the concepts used in other
disciplines. The whole purpose of journals in philosophy of science is to
bring together philosophers and scientists to analyze and critique existing
concepts and methods, and to examine underlying assumptions.


Max More, Ph.D.
<> or <>
Philosophical issues of technology
President, Extropy Institute:,

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