post-Escalation worlds: 5 minute speculations: fun city

From: way (
Date: Fri Jan 15 1999 - 22:26:42 MST

My very rough estimate of the number of post-Escalation worlds (as
opposed to preborn worlds, i.e. ones where evolution has not yet become
fully self-directed) is one third of all worlds with life, i.e. quite a
lot, though finite in this universe.

PS Evolutionary charts regarding human population:
a: why do human population charts stop with arbitrary cultural
definitions of species beginnings? Though interbreeding may not be
possible, real population charts would include 3-d branches and total
numbers. Otherwise, rational comparisons are not possible. Also, note
existing population charts and growth match the Escalation aka
Singularity, Spike, and numbers for domestic animals and computers trail
after us.

b: have any Gaian theorists done any estimations for the total number of
living organisms that have existed on Earth including unicellular life
and viruses?

My personal name has changed again and though it should really be
written within a pentagram here it is:
Avatar Polymorph Star-A-Star Aleph Null Z-Aeon Neon Orthogenesis
Sub-Quantum Flux
Also known as:
Vessel and instrument of the clan of changeable form, every person can
be a star, to be the first is nothing, the inauguration of an age of
magic, the bright new glow of reorganized understanding, the mechanism
of change which is the messenger of the nodal goddesses and gods. (The
numbers of these divine beings are somewhat larger than that hinted at
by going through the figures regarding star systems in this universe, as
you might imagine.)

27 before Escalation

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