Re: Property and life(Ayn Rand Quotes)

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Fri Jan 15 1999 - 06:30:38 MST

I left my book at home, but I'll try to remember it at lunch. :) wrote:
> Unfortunately, my copy of _Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal_ is in
storage at
> the moment (along with most of my political and economic library),
but I'll
> search my much-worn edition of _Atlas_ tonight.
> Dick
> Terry Donaghe <> on 01/14/99 01:28:37 PM
> Please respond to
> To:
> cc: (bcc: Dick Gray/US/BULL)
> Subject: Re: Property and life
> I'll be glad to attempt to find the quote... Remind me tommorow if you
> don't see it. Grab your copy of "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" I
> think it's either in the first essay or in one of the appendices.
> I think she also mentions that the idea of society is nonsense in
> Atlas Shrugged.
> I will endeavor to find the exact quote and post it.
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Terry Donaghe writes:
> > >Well, Ayn Rand outright says that there's no such thing as society.
> > >She says the entire concept is nonsense.
> >
> > Hate to contradict someone who's on my side, but this is simply
> untrue, or
> > I'll eat my hat. Can you quote an reference for this? I've read
> everything
> > Rand wrote (I think), I subscribed to the Objectivist (in its
> > incarnations) and the Ayn Rand Letter and still have every issue of
> these
> > publications. Nowhere do I recall her stating that the concept of
> society
> > is nonsense.
> >
> > Unfortanately, she did write that anarchy is nonsense. Well, nobody
> gets it
> > right every time...
> >
> > Dick
> >
> >
> >
> ==
> Terry Donaghe:
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