RE: COMP: China's 20Gflop Machine

From: Billy Brown (
Date: Fri Jan 15 1999 - 06:15:18 MST

Michael M. Butler wrote:
> Well, for one thing, it means the PRC/PLA can do more advanced simulations
> than they used to be able to. Nuke weapons, vehicular hull and propulsion,
> armor and anti-armor... oh, and plastic mold design for consumer goods. :)

The advanced regions of China are pretty modern now, and will probably be on
the same level as western Europe within a decade. I'd expect their military
at that point to be using the same tech base as France, Japan, and other
modern countries. Their neighbors will worry, but it doesn't threaten us
unless we go out of our way to be really, really stupid (i.e. even worse
than usual) about our own military affairs.

Of course, the nukes could still be a problem if we don't get an ABM system
built soon.

Billy Brown, MCSE+I

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