HUMOR: Silly Political Humor

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Thu Jan 14 1999 - 09:53:55 MST

Not sure how this relates to Extropy, other than most of us will
probably find it funny.

*intercepted letter*

Dear John Hinkley:

Ronnie and I are concerned about your well being. We also wanted to
write and assure you that we have no bitterness torwards you. We all
make mistakes in life and you are no different. It is important that
we learn from them. Once again, we wish you good health and speedy
recovery and hope to see you as a responsible, functioning adult in a
world outside of prison.

All our best,

Ronald and Nancy Reagan

PS: We both thought you would like to know that Bill Clinton is
sleeping with Jodie Foster.

Terry Donaghe:

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