Re: Arguments from Nonexistence. Was: Extropians and animal rights

From: Samael (
Date: Thu Jan 14 1999 - 08:26:36 MST

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael S. Lorrey <>
To: <>
Date: 14 January 1999 15:20
Subject: Re: Arguments from Nonexistence. Was: Extropians and animal rights

> wrote:
>> There, now we can play with two hot buttons at once, and get
>> nowhere fast. Next up, incestuous gun-toting vegetarian socialists
>> against abortion rights...
>Yes, while we often see liberals hacking on how Republicans are pro-life
>respect to abortion, but not with regard to the death penalty, I wonder why
>liberals can be so damn parsimonious, since they are the opposite, they are
>abortion, but against killing animals.....

Most people I know eat meat (my Girlfriend doesn't, but apart from that I
think everyone know does), and all of them are liberal (well, certianly by
your definition - all fo them are in favour of government, anyway).

Oh, and very few people are in favour of abortion, all though many people
are in favour of people being allowed a choice. Enforcing abortion isn't
likely to be very popular.


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