Re: Just for the Record (re: Animal Torture)

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Wed Jan 13 1999 - 06:22:44 MST

---Samael <> wrote:

> I'm also in favour of the butchering of animals for food, as long as
> done in the most human way possible. I'm also in favour of dropping
> technique altogether as soonb as we can vat grow the meat
economically (I
> estimate 10(ish) years). The problem being that this is a highly
> issue and peoples morals vary wildly.
> Samael
Hey, as long as it tastes like REAL meat (and I suppose it literally
will be) then I certainly have no problem with it. Sounds great to
me, though then we have the whole problem of our domesticated animals
becoming extinct because we don't need them. Can you imagine
reintroducing domesticated chickens into the wild? Or cows for that
matter? Well, at least the wolves would have a field day for a season
or two.

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