Re: Extropians and animal rights

Date: Tue Jan 12 1999 - 10:58:11 MST

Ian Goddard [] wrote:
> There's an interesting correlation
> between serial killers, like Jeffrey Dommer (sp?),
> and torture of animals, such that a high percentage
> of the most brutal serial killers first tortured
> animals, usually when they were kids. They see
> the similarity between humans and animals, but
> only in the worst ways imaginable.

Yeah, some time ago I saw a very interesting documentary about an American
serial killer from a few decades ago, possibly the same guy; I'm no expert
on serial killers so I don't know when he was caught. His basic problem
seemed to be that he didn't see any difference between humans and other
animals; he hunted them, took them home, and butchered them just like the
deer he hunted at other times. It was hard to see him as evil, rather just
someone whose mental programming was fundamentally broken.

On the animal rights front, personally I have no problem with hunting;
but I dislike any kind of torture to humans or animals. When people start
to talk about giving rights to animals it makes me think of the medieval
courts charging pigs with murder, and other such historical oddities. If
animals are smart enough to have rights, then they should be smart enough
to have the responsibilities too... and how are you going to explain to a
fox that rabbits have a right to life? This seems to be an example of the
serial killer's problem in reverse; he thought humans were animals, the
animal rights folks think animals are human.


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