META: Rules without rulers

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Sat Jan 09 1999 - 15:35:24 MST

All of the following is IMHO. The value judgments here are my own and
might not agree with those of the list-owner or its other members. No
insult is intended to anyone. Here goes...

I recommend to reduce the amount of noise on the list, we adopt two
simple rules, which can be automated so that no one need moderate
the list.

The fist is a post per day per member maximum. This could be, say,
three posts per day. By doing this, I think people who chime in on
everything would choose what to respond to more wisely.

A potential problem with this is people who use multiple email addresses
(like me, but not to this list:) would be able to circumvent this rule. I
think list-owner intervention might stop this, though I would hope list
members would obey the rule without such.

The second is a limit on the size of each post. This enforce trimming
posts, so that members don't quote the whole post, but only the part
they wish to respond to.

A problem with this is that combined with the post per day limit, the
length of a member's daily contribution would be very limited. Even
so, if someone has something lenthy to post, he or she could post
a (temporary?) URL with the material or ask members to email him
or her for copies of it.

I also suggest that if we do plan to adopt either or both of the above
rules, we do so for a probationary period just to make sure that list
quality and participation don't drop. I wouldn't want to make the list
barren by enforcing such rules. A probationary period of one month
might be good, then we can poll members to see if they think quality
has gone up or down.


Daniel Ust

P.S.: Someone might have suggested the above before, but, if so,
I do not mean to steal her or his ideas.

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