Re: rutans roton, again

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Jan 09 1999 - 00:09:29 MST

Steve VanSickle wrote: ... and are relying heavily
on hypersonic rotor wind tunnel work that NASA did in the 60's.
Amazing all the stuff gathering dust in their libraries.

ive seen a good collection of that material steve, and yes,
it is amazing some of the experiments that were done.

> But I'm not sure you would get a fair contest. ... Don't get me wrong,
> I'm not talking secret conspiracies...just good old fashioned hardball.

dan goldin seems to have a great attitude toward maveric rocket
builders. hes a good man methinks. as for lockheed and boeing,
well, it could be worse: at least its not microsoft.

> >> A lot of "rocket scientists" will have a lot of explaining to do.
> >
> > ya, ill be one of em.

but this is one time when i hope i am wrong. ill be quite
pleased if the ssto roton guys make a fool of me. {8^D
or any ssto for that matter. (im betting against lockheeds
own ssto for becoming a *practical* ssto, altho i am
hopeful the skunk works guys can pull off another miracle.)

> But doesn't the concept more or less require the fuel and oxydizer to be
> closely matched in density?

it helps greatlyif they are. the spin rate is determined by the less dense fuel,
so one would need to drop the pressure of the denser lox across a regulator
of some sort. i have given up hydrogen as hopeless for this reason:
the low density requires spinning almost 3 times faster with hydrogen
as you would with kerosene. (the spin rate varies as the inverse square
root of the density of the fuel, all else equal).

> Is it because the low denity fuel requires a large diameter?

no, its because if one goes with the "spin tanks and all" scenario, one
must arrange for the moment of inertia about the spin axis to be greater
than the moment of inertia about the other two orthogonal axes, this
for max stability. unfortunately, this causes you to have a lot of area to
push thru the wind. this might cause the tanks-and-all notion to be
impractical. {8-[

> And I would think that
> rotating the feul tanks are more trouble than they are worth...

im starting to think you are right, but i have one more round of
calcs to do first. i might have become too infatuated with the
notion of a launcher with almost no moving parts. my last scenario
has a spherical lox tank with tow torroidal ethane tanks around it.

> ...slow, low pressure rotating seals aren't *that* hard.

i have an idea for rotating seals, now that you mention it,
that use laminar flow compressed air at the dynamic interface.
if i convince myself completely that the tanks-and-all notion
is hopeless, perhaps i will look into that. spike

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