Re: Major Technologies

From: Samael (
Date: Thu Jan 07 1999 - 03:27:44 MST

-----Original Message-----
From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky <>
>That having been said, I doubt spike's Gray Filter scenario. I can see
>many races, even the majority, destroying themselves that way. But zero
>survivors? Not even one in a thousand? I don't believe it. Not even
>the Singularity has that kind of kill ratio - hence my guess that
>Singularities also suck up any other visible races.

Hsa anyone considered that there are likely to be people who do not wish to
eb affected by a singularity. I would estimate (not wishing to state
anything categorical about a singulairty) tht there would be certain sort fo
singularity that would not have to be inclusive of those people that do not
wish to eb affected by it.

Any thoughts?


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