Re: Major Technologies

From: Samael (
Date: Thu Jan 07 1999 - 03:25:39 MST

-----Original Message-----
From: Spike Jones <>
To: <>
Date: 07 January 1999 07:02
Subject: Re: Major Technologies

>> > [Spike] the theory would be that whenever
>> > any civilization discovers radio communication, that nuclear holocaust
>> > nanotech grey goo always result within 100 to 1000 years. {8-[
>> Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
>> But if that's true, wouldn't all that gray goo--indestructable and
>> ravenous by definition--have long ago spread from its origins to
>> devour most of our observable universe into clouds of elements and
>> goo?
>no, because the most dangerous form of grey goo would be the
>replicator running the ultra simple program
>10 eat
>20 make copies of self
>30 go to 10
>if successful, this revenous simpleton would be dangerous as
>hell but incapable of crossing interstellar space. spike

Except that microscopic particles have travlled from Earth to Mars and visa

Dust is freuently thrown out of earths gravity well by meteor strieks
(frequently on a geological time scale).


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