Re: Extropians > 40

Date: Tue Jan 05 1999 - 10:02:00 MST

Jason Spencer [] wrote:
>For me it's not the actual sex, it's the time component. I tend to invest
>large amounts of time in the person I'm dating, reducing my creativity.

Ditto, though recently I've adopted the alternate approach of just sleeping
less. I think the only long-term solution is to find someone who wants to do
similar things anyway.

>BTW, I'm 21. I should start dating 41 year olds...yes, that's the answer...

I've often thought that it would make sense to start out dating people with
more experience when you're young and switch over to younger people when
you're older. But that goes against various cultural and social factors;
OTOH it seems to have worked well for a couple of friends. Certainly I have
much more trouble getting along with most people of my age than with those
who are significantly older or younger.


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