Re: Property [was Re: The Education Function]

Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 07:33:03 MST

In a message dated 12/16/98 11:24:41 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> First of all I want to apologize for the tone of my last post. I had no
> reason to attack you personally. I'm sure you're sincere in believing that
> the job you do is valuable. I'm just so f***in' tired of being jerked
> around by "the system" that I tend to lash out at anyone I see as
> representing it. Unfortunately, the fact is that your position _is_
> supported by funds that are, from my point of view, simply extorted from me
> and others who have other uses for our own money. Hope you understand my
> discontent with that situation.

In a similar vein. I've been pondering a course of action...a strategy if you

Since it has become obvious that the electoral system in this country is
useless ...that voting does nothing other than validate the system to be
further exploited by the and
bureaucrats.....then there ought to be some other course of action.

Obviously there is armed rebellion. The "shoot all the lawyers" scenario.
While that would be very satisfying it would be extremely messy and
counterproductive in the long run. (Read the breif explanation of the fall of
the Roman Empire in "The Lucifer Principal")

So my suspicion is that the only other alternative is ridicule and scorn.
That is to make those sucking at the government tit feel extremely
uncomfortable and ashamed of their profession such that they abandon it.

I'm still thinking on this...but I find Dick's "tone" to be right in line with


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