Re: Very good discussion by me of Intellectual Property Rights ;-)

From: Max M (
Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 04:55:53 MST

From: Samael <>

>But comanies won't invest millions of dollars in RD if someone else can
>at what they;ve donw and just copy them without paying them back for it.
>Do you really want to live in a world where everyone spends their time
>waiting for someone else to do some research?

It is a very good and relevant argument, but it has yet to be tested that
development will be stopped if patents were stopped. Companies shurely would
not cease to exist, they would spend their money on something else and
shurely they would still do minimal research to keep an edge.
Perhaps r&d would just be more distributed as the wealth made by new
inventions would be distributed too. Curiosity and the small competitive
edge could probably take us a long way.

I don't know, and we will not know until it is tested.

# Max M Rasmussen, New Media Director Denmark
# Private
                                  TheWorld =~ s/Microsoft Corporation//g;

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