Re: question about the singularity

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sat Jan 02 1999 - 14:17:14 MST

Peter Ganick wrote:

> hello extropians...i have been on the list before and now
> happily rejoined to the stimulating discussion here, and
> have a question that i was curious about about extropian-
> ism...
> does the singularity involve uploading people's emotional
> and spiritual lives? as these seem to me to be as important
> to the human organism as its mind...or is everything con-
> ceived as neurological, and therefore an extension of the
> western psychological paradigm of freud?...this question is
> asked for information only...not meant confrontationally to
> the list...

Most of us here categorically reject the idea that anything we do as
human beings has any root in anything outside the realm of the physical
universe. We embrace the classical liberal idea that science is the
single best tool capable of studying, testing, and explaining any
phenomenon that exists in this universe or within our minds. We also
rely on the scientific method as a means of differentiating between real
phenomena of the greater universe, and phenomena which are merely the
creation of our mind's inner perceptions.

Because of this, we feel that any uploading of human minds will
reproduce the qualities of the human mind that are popularly known as
'intuitional' and 'spiritual', but at present are not completely
explained by the scientific method, in the constructs which we upload
minds to.

Mike Lorrey

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