Re: >H Haiku: Engineered CanOpener

From: Mark (
Date: Sat Jan 02 1999 - 13:06:44 MST

Natasha Vita-More wrote:
> Transhuman Mailing List
> Opening my mind
> I became transhumanist.
> The rest is detail
> Natasha Vita More

I agree, idealistically, this is the way it should be. All human
persons generally want the same thing -- food, health, happiness, love,
shelter. As technology increases the human race should be able to
provide the material necessities to sustain life for all people
regardless of race, creed, gender, or national origin. It seems logic
and reason point humanity in one direction and one direction only.

However, many transhumanist, including myself, will want to belong to a
super intelligence governed by some type of principles. I believe
freedom to allow an individual to possess an unique sense of identity
will be one such principle.

I think the following list member discussion is highly appropos:
Transhuman Mailing List

Andrew Ducker wrote:

> My main reasons for being pro-transhumanism are that it provides a high
> likelihood of more pleasure, less pain, more cool toys, more happiness
> world-wide.

 christophe delriviere <> responds:

>Well...It is certainly not necessary true... I *consider* also myself as a
>transhumanist but i certainly don't believe
>that to optimize only our selves according to our private purposes is sufficient
>to live in a "good" society.
>The problem is very easy to understand... we also have to give some "great
>purposes" to the society or at least to some important parts of the society. If
>we are not able to define such "great purposes" as could be as a mere
>example a
>spatial colonization, our society will be locked by sub optimization.


On our transhumanist road to a better universal society the famous
philosophical interrogative of, "Does the end justify the means?" will
be asked repeatedly. I hope, for our own sakes, mankind can figure it


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