Re: extropian dating service

From: Sunah Caroline Cherwin (
Date: Wed Dec 30 1998 - 14:54:19 MST

we have to figure out what characteristics would be options and figure out
a way to weight them, "what is most important to you of these five
characteristics," and then another question comes from that and so forth.
We can do a basic one and hen refine it. Honesty, enthusiasm, standard
looks, age range, etc. It will be more fun than useful

>Wow, ok! Let's give it a go. Does anyone have a site for this
>that they would like to see "copied" for our use? I can probably
>reverse-engineer whatever is out there.
>Or, we can come up with our own design. Let me know what you
>> I wish you would code up a very basic cgi expert system for this and I
>> would like to do a web front end!

Sunah Caroline Cherwin  +!+ +%+ +=+ +?+ +\+ +>+
San Francisco WoW TechTeam +@+ +/+ +$+ Assoc. of Internet Professionals
San Francisco Women on the Web SIG Coordinator +&+

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