Re: Extropians > 40

Date: Tue Dec 29 1998 - 10:07:48 MST

Oh yes, and age is irrelevant - until you realize that the 20-somethings have
"noticed" you're older (plastic surgery doesn't always make you look 25
again.) and aren't "including" you the way they do their age-peers. Yes, I've
noticed this happening to me for years now. :/ Oh, they include you in idle
conversation and business endeavors just as well as their peers, but when it
comes to really hanging around with you and trying to make you into a friend,
it's another story. And yes, I've noticed that not many 25 year olds have 45
year olds as best friends. Advice for now? I've decided to just get used to
it, not worry about it, be amused by it if possible and put my social contact
attention into the 35 and up crowd. :)


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