Happy Holidays.

From: E. Shaun Russell (e_shaun@uniserve.com)
Date: Thu Dec 24 1998 - 20:19:06 MST

        Best of wishes for the holidays to you all. As Ayn Rand once said:
"...One says 'Merry Christmas' --not 'Weep and Repent.' And the good will
is represented in a material, *earthly* form --by giving presents to one's
friends, or sending them cards in token of remembrance."

        So be you secular or religious, rational or mystic, enjoy the time
for what it is: a holiday to enable --if only for a day-- you to feel good
about your life and enjoy the beauty of being alive and sentient. That
unto itself is a beautiful thing...one which shall someday be the everyday
premise of mankind's future.

                                   HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM E. SHAUN RUSSELL

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