Re: nukes in texas

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Dec 23 1998 - 23:50:24 MST wrote: I'm peachy keen. Although I am in Texas right

> now, I'm in the Panhandle (south of Amarillo a ways) and the weather is only
> cold here. In addition to which I'm shut down for the holidays.

ev, i travelled on business to a place near amarillo (pantex) where they recycle
nuclear cores in the fleet ballistic missiles. that was a kick. they have a
underground facility with the most elaborate identification system i have
ever seen. electronic locking doors, radiation detectors everywhere, children
in army uniforms with machine guns, etc. (they dont want people trying to
steal plutonium.)

reason i mentioned it: one security device had me place my hand upon a grid.
it somehow measured the resistance between digits. they say the resistance
pattern is different for each person, even identical twins, it cannot be fooled
any known technology and very seldom fails to correctly identify the person
(seldom turns down a legitimate hand). if we have that, why do we need
credit cards? seems like that would be foolproof and unstealable.

> No use tempting fate...

im with you there. merry newtonmass! spike

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