Re: Coase's Theorem and Intellectual Property

From: Max More (
Date: Tue Dec 22 1998 - 11:39:00 MST

At 09:50 AM 12/22/98 -0800, Hal wrote:
>(I should mention that my understanding of Coase's theorem comes from
>secondhand sources; I have not read his original work.)

Hal, I'm glad you mentioned Coase's work in this context. Reading Coase
helps provide an antidote to the absolutist views of property rights
apparently held by many libertarians (including myself in earlier years,
being weaned on Nozick and Rothbard).

Coase's original work is quite readable--much more so than the average
economist, and I strongly recommend it even if, like Hal, you've obviously
understood it from secondhand sources, but *especially* to those who are
not familiar with his work. His classic essays on "The Nature of the Firm",
and "The Problem of Social Cost", and "The Lighthouse in Economics" (the
latter being an excellent study in how economists had assumed that a
"public good" could only be provided by government despite historical
evidence to the contrary), are all available in a paperback volume, The
Firm, The Market, and the Law.

If we're to experiment with improved economic systems, we need to recognize
that rights are a human, social construct, not absolute rules based in some
nonempirical realm. I haven't had time to participate in the discussion of
Nozick's minimalism (a fascinating issue that helps reveal that the sharp
distinction made between free market/polycentric systems and state systems
is not so sharp), but thinking like that of Coase as well as those who
approach rights using decision theory and sciences such as evolutionary
psychology, help in keeping economic/political discussions productive --
instead of merely being "that's not libertarian" responses.


Max More, Ph.D.
<> or <>
Consulting services on the impact of advanced technologies
President, Extropy Institute:,

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