Re: FW: Property [was Re: The Education Function]

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Dec 19 1998 - 15:26:56 MST

> Samael wrote: ...The ex-Christians I know are also the most
> antireligious people I know - to the point of irrationality.

hey, i resemble that comment... {8^D

its true. my friend (the one that took me to see the serpent and the
rainbow) was a former religioso. his parents gave him a nativity set,
a dozen ceramic figurines of joseph, mary, the infant god, the three
wise guys, etc. the cats took to playing with them, and jesus was
lost. they were coming for the holidays, and he was concerned they
would notice the other 11 figurines adoring nothing, so he sent off
for a replacement.

a few days later, while cleaning his house, he found jesus. that same
day, jesus' replacement arrived. hmmm. as a little joke, he placed the
two jesi side by side. the folks noticed, they had a good laugh. so
then he decided to push his luck just a bit. he made a tiny easel of
popsicle sticks and displayed an index card, on which was written:

Little known fact of history: the firstborn of Joseph and Mary Christ
were actually twins. One of them, Jesus, went on to become a
well-known religious leader, while the other, Herkimer, perhaps due
to unresolved sibling rivalry, went on to alcoholism and obscurity.

his parents were not amused... {8^D spike

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