Re: Defense contractor liability

From: James Ganong (
Date: Thu Dec 17 1998 - 01:58:30 MST

>First, defense contractors under a libertarian >society will more
carefully select to whom they >sell weapons, because they will be held
>responsible if another party uses their >weapons against other
Americans written by Michael Scarazzo

How is this a libertarian response? Why should
the defense contractor be held responsible for the way someone uses a
weapon after it has been bought? This sounds like Chicago's Mayor
Daley, who is suing gun manufacturers & gun shops to recover money spent
on police
& medical bills due to gun-related crime. Are you suggesting that the
contractor should be sued, or are you suggesting a boycott-type
response? The latter would be more of a
libertarian response, IMO.

Neither a flame nor an attempt to revive the
"Are guns extropian?" thread; just one libertarian seeking clarification
of another's

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