walmarts and bill shockleys lab

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Dec 16 1998 - 23:00:47 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:

> Spike Jones wrote:
> > i was about an hour northwest of boston on business. there
> > was no place to buy anything! no walmarts, no fry's
> > electronics, nothing. just all these dippy little mom and...
> Michael Lorrey wrote: An hour northwest? That would be either

> west of Lowell, towards Groton,

it was just north of methuen i think is the name of the place. i was doing
business with a company called physical sciences inc. i had a few hours
of daylight to kill before the meetings so i drove around looking for
something to do. there were lots of nice houses, nice rural neighborhoods,
everything was very nice. and i nearly lost my mind. because it didnt
seem to be... forward looking. i dont get out nearly enough i guess.
around here, everything is so tomorrow oriented. its easy to be forward
looking since we dont really have a past... {8^D

this is not always good. when visitors come, i like to use the old gag
"some of these buildings are over *twenty years old*... with an awed
tone. {8^D but the down side is that a development company decided to
tear down the lab where william shockley invented the integrated
circuit. i figure if i get frozen, then melted a couple hundred years
in the future, i will be looking up at a circle of faces all asking me:

how could you! let them tear down something so pivital to history?
why didnt you chain yourself to that building? etc. spike

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