Surviving in the Wild (was "Property")

From: Roderick A. Carder-Russell (
Date: Wed Dec 16 1998 - 12:59:15 MST

> > i was about an hour northwest of boston on business. there
> > was no place to buy anything! no walmarts, no fry's
> > electronics, nothing. just all these dippy little mom and
> > pop joints, selling who knows what. antiques, i guess.
> > i dont know what you do if you want to buy computer
> > books or hardware or cds or even a cell phone. seems like any
> > extropian would suffer miserably in such a place. are
> > any of you from up there? how do you cope? {8^D spike

        I am living in Laconia, which is in central NH. There may be
towns in NH that have very little in the way of tech-gear, but nothing is
ever very far away. Being in a small city, I have two Walmarts each
within 10 minutes of my home. We have numerous chain stores and dining
locations all over NH, in addition to the small, as you say, "mom and pop"
stores. As Mike Lorrey pointed out, we have several top-notch malls in
our state, as well as numerous "plaza" shopping locations. We have
several Barnes and Noble stores, Borders, Computer City, CompUSA,
Everything that we could ever need is right here. However, one can always
climb into the car and within 10 minutes find themselves in the middle of
the woods, or hiking a mountain, seemingly miles away from civilization.
This is the beauty of NH, and Northern New England in general. We have
the conveniences of modern life, perhaps more so than others, yet we have
integrated it seamlessly (usually) with the surrounding natural beauty.
        Regardless of what we do or do not have here in NH, why would an
Extropian be "miserable" here? Because he is not living in the middle of
a city? Because he smells trees rather than smog? Even if we didn't
possess *any* of the conveniences that I have pointed out, I would claim
that a true Extropian would cope just fine in this environment. It is not
the nature of, or in the best interest of, an Extropian to become
dependent upon anything. We use technology intelligently, and some may
say that we use it excessively, but the first and most important Being in
this world is oneself. Being is limitless, and as Extropians we are
dedicating ourselves to the conscious evolution of our Being into more
advanced entities, but we must first learn to look to ourselves to solve
the problems (if there are any). If one is intelligent, they need not
have technology produced by others to excel and cope with the world, for
they will evolve as individuals into more promising and able beings.
Perhaps it is *more* Extropian to live in the "wild" and blaze your own
path. Do we no longer encourage independent thought?
        As an Extropian, by becoming dependent upon your local technology
superstore and the products that they provide, you are putting yourself
into a position that is contrary to the Extropian motive. You are making
yourself more easy to dispose of. It is our intent, as Extropians, to
overcome *all* obstacles. This includes the ability to survive and "cope"
in a world that we are not accustom to.
        The most powerful technology that you will ever utilize is your
own consciousness and power of creativity. Without *that*, you are
nothing. The other conveniences are not necessary. Learn to depend upon

                                Yours, from the mountains of NH,


Roderick A. Carder-Russell

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