Re: boycotting of corporations

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Wed Dec 16 1998 - 12:03:48 MST

Samael wrote:

> Hang on:
> A bad thing is happening. The government is doing nothing.
> Should the government
> a) do even less
> b) Stop the bad thing happening.
> you appear to be advocating (a).

No, he is advocating (c), which you failed to mention: People, as
individuals, can choose to, or not to, take action to either prevent the
bad thing from happening, or to right the wrong afterward. If I don't think
something is a bad thing, then I am free to not do anything about it, or
maybe actually if I actually think its a good thing, then I can take action
to support it. In any event, my actions are not mandated or coerced by what
YOU think is a bad thing.

Mike Lorrey

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