Re: boycotting of corporations

From: Michael Scarazzo (
Date: Tue Dec 15 1998 - 11:37:36 MST

---Samael <> wrote:
> For instance, Nestle (producers of vast amounts of chocolate and
> Coffee) are boycotted by some people because they use policies in
the third
> world which cause the deaths of thousands of babies a year. Do any
of the
> libertarians on this list boycott them? Or anyone else?

Since the GOVERNMENTS in those countries control access to resources,
thus maintaining the relative poverty of the general population, they
are the monopoly over certain resources like people, that enact the
policies allowing companies to exploit the resources. The problem is
government. If the third world countries did not tyrannical
governments of unlimited power, the populations would not suffer as
they do now. They would have the individual and local authority to
stop the government policies.
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