
From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Mon Dec 14 1998 - 11:09:44 MST

Ok, I'm sick of defending capitalism and tired of showing how the
defense of government is a defense of coercion and violence against
the individual.

I think that this will all become a moot point once we have mature
nanotechnology (MT). If MT can provide food, clothing, and shelter
cheaply enough for the world's population that it can be given away
for free, and if MT can eliminate manual labor, will there even be a
point in having a government?

In such a case will we still have a currency? If most people decide
to take advantage of a labor free world and just lay around enjoying
the luxuries of MT, what will fund the governments of the world? Will
governments enscript people to perform menial labor tasks (manually
built buildings, pyramids, etc) just to excersize some form of coercion?

If MT provides Utility Fog which can be utilized (Active Shields?) to
protect it's owner (wearer?) from most any kind of physical harm
(except maybe huge explosions), how will the government be able to
extort funds (assuming we still use currency)?

If MT allows us to protect ourselves, gives us perfect health,
drastically increases our education prospects, feeds us, clothes us,
and shelters us, what use is the government?

Those of you who still refuse to turn away from pro-government
propoganda and see the alternatives, what will you do the day
government becomes obsolete? Shouldn't we begin to prepare today?

Terry Donaghe:
Individual, Anarcho-Capitalist, Environmentalist, Transhumanist, Mensan

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