Re: Final Challenge to Socialists

Date: Mon Dec 14 1998 - 09:54:35 MST

"Joe E. Dees" <> opines:

>Without a government to focus/summate/implement the people's will>in this
(or any)
>matter, all they could do when faced with a lawless
>major corporation is impotently and ineffectually "bitch", just like I
>used to do as an enlisted man in the U. S. Navy.

This is an excellent example of sloppy thinking. There's no such thing as
"the people's will", there's only each individual's will. People implement
their will, both individually and collectively, all the time without
invoking the coercive mechanism of "government". It's only when *some*
people want to force their will on *other* people that "government" is

You don't have to do business with a company you don't like. Try exercising
the same discretion with your local "government".


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