Re: The Education Function

From: Ken Meyering (
Date: Fri Dec 11 1998 - 10:20:17 MST

"John Clark" <>:

> I don't want to oversell my case, there is no doubt that some good science
> has come from government funded research, and that's not surprising
> considering that government has trillions of dollars at it's disposal. Even a
> monkey throwing around that kind of money would occasionally do some good.

John (& Extropians):

It's my hypothesis that there are privately funded research scientists
who know how to stimulate nerves from a distance with enough
precision to throw a monkey around. I further hypothesize that this
gives them a certain amount of power over human society. The
ability to drive people around like puppets would also make law
enforcement obsolete, assuming that the puppetmaster programming
was peace oriented.

How much electricity does it take to stimulate a nerve?

How can that electricity be delivered via electromagnetic energy?

How fast does a signal need to be switched in order to
simultaneously yet precisely stimulate the exact nerve patterns
required for complex behavior?

Can Quantum Tunneling Transistors be used to switch this?

Can ground-based or space-based EMP arrays be used as
transmitting antenna's?

Can ground-based high-energy lasers switched with quantum
tunneling transistors provide the antennae array with accurate
enough timing to direct electricity to specific synapse-pairs and

Can flywheels ( with cryogenic
temperature superconductors be used as a ground-based source of
high amplitude current to supply the high energy lasers that charge
the space based EMP arrays?

Can Quantum Dot Cell Memory be used to store the holographic
representations of a brains quantum state with 1/120th of a second
resolution? Can these tapes be recorded and played back, to the
same individual, or translated between the Central Nervous Systems
of various individuals?

Can human genes be modified so that unnecessary coding (noise)
is eliminated, thereby maximizing the genomic signal to noise ratio?

Can human genes be spliced with genes from other animals, so that
human "blanks" (anencephalic clones) can be rapidly grown inside
of artifical environments? Can this growth be accelerated by
provided direct muscle stimulation and isometric exercises using the
previously mentioned high amplitude quantum switched radio

Can the "illusion" of death be overcome, by backing up a human's
life experiences onto QDCM, then interfacing the QDCM with a
"BLANK" produced in the fast organism growth system described

If you could have a harem of supermodel "blanks" that behaved in a
manner completely complimentary to your physical, intellectual, and
emotional needs, would you?

If you could have yourself backed-up onto QDCM, such that in the
event of your untimely death, your nucleus accumbens could be
transplanted to a "BLANK", then that "BLANK" could be reanimated
using superconducting flywheels, QDCM, QTT, HEL, & EMP, would
that appeal to you?


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