Re: the bell curve

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Dec 12 1998 - 00:25:29 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:

> Ayuh. Lessee, I own a whole weeks worth of flannel shirts, I drive a Jeep, I own guns, and keep
> my fishing pole in my Jeep. I carry enough tools in my Jeep that I can probably handle anything
> but an engine swap. I own four pairs of boots, and consider a buck knife and my Leatherman tool
> to be essential daily survival equipment. I have tire chains for my 4wd Jeep.

michael, for fear of reigniting the guns virus which ate us alive for several weeks,
ill refrain from commenting, but heres one thats extropian thread related: i was
at an extropians outing a few months ago and met a man who counsels people
on how to extend their lives. one of the things we discussed was what kind of
car to drive. (!) i was mildly embarrassed as i was on a motorcycle at the time,
not the optimal vehicle for one who wishes to live long and prosper. i bought
an f250 pickup, all the better to survive an accidental impact... {8^D spike

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