Re: BASICS: Anarcho-capitalism

From: Dan Fabulich (
Date: Fri Dec 11 1998 - 08:05:42 MST wrote:
>BTW, I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned his new book (on the Web)
>about the economics of law in recent discussions; I've only skimmed bits
>of it, but it seems to have a lot of useful points to make.

It's an excellent book. I'm pleased to see that he's posted the last few
chapters; I may want to go back and read them now.

However, I also notice that he seems to have moved away from his opinion
that anarcho-capitalism generates the most efficient rules. (This, indeed,
is almost all of the reason why I like anarcho-capitalism.) Similarly,
most of his book is about which rules are efficient; he leaves the question
as to which systems make the best rules to the last chapter, where he
states that "the jury is still out" on the question.



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