BASICS: Property Rights

Date: Thu Dec 10 1998 - 09:30:48 MST

Samael [] wrote:
>I dispute that the money is yours in the first place.

If you don't believe that your money is yours, please send it all to me
right now. I'll accept all major currencies and precious metals.


The fundamental problem with this argument is that once you accept it, the
only basis for ownership is "might makes right". If your money isn't yours,
then why shouldn't I come round tonight and take it from you at gunpoint?
And if you disagree, what's the difference between my stealing money from
you at gunpoint and the government doing it?

>Reread what I said. When the government became _less_ socialist, the
>disparity went _up_.

Duh, you'd hardly expect people to get richer with more socialism, would
you? In any case, why should I care? And why should you care, when that
money doesn't belong to them anyway?


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