Re: Free will (was: Re: Nucleus Accumbens Transplant)

From: John Clark (
Date: Wed Dec 09 1998 - 11:16:47 MST

Hash: SHA1

Michael Lorry <>

>Feynman called them path integrals, where all possible paths are taken by virtual
>particles, but the one path which reaches the target first is the one where a photon
>actually exists

We can calculate the path of a particle detected by our instruments by adding together the
infinite number of paths it could have taken, Feynman found how to do this.

>can easily explain the phenomenon of the interference pattern

I think even Feynman would say that "explain" is too strong a word, it works but it's very hard
to form an intuitive mental picture from it. He once said "I think it's safe to say that nobody
understands quantum mechanics", and "It's pointless to keep asking yourself how things could
possibly be so crazy, they just are". Feynman was not big on philosophical interpretations but he did
like Many Worlds the best, or at least disliked it the least.

>our history would constantly be changing around us by large magnitudes.

Some physicists such as Murray Gel-Mann like everything about the many Word's Interpretation
except the name, he calls it the Many histories interpretation.

  John K Clark

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