Imagination, more important than intelligence?

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Tue Dec 08 1998 - 22:22:11 MST

Several recent threads have crystallized that subject line into
my mind: Eliezer and his "sci-fi protects you against future
shock" post, the whole morality thread and how intelligent
people can view issues so differently, the post by John Clark about
the smartest guy Sidis who didn't do much with his life, and my
lack of success (so far) in sparking >H ideas in others.

It seems like the key ingredient to sparking a real >H revolution
in the rest of the population is not brainpower, but rather
simple imagination. The reason that people are not turned
on by our ideas may not be due to intelligence, but rather
simply because they cannot imagine what we describe, no matter
what detail we go into.

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