Re: is surveillance technology extropian?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Dec 01 1998 - 21:47:23 MST wrote:

> Ken Meyering [] wrote:
> >Having worked at SGI, I know that special effects experts can fake
> >almost anything, including surveillance audio and video.
> Indeed. What's the value of surveillance video when anyone can create their
> own on a computer at any time?

i am searching my memory banks. there was an asimov short story
i read a long time ago about this. someone had invented a machine
that could somehow calculate the past. you could punch in the space
and time coordinates and the machine would give you information
about that 4 space. the government launched a huge effort to
keep the whole thing secret. the heroes struggled to get the information
out, so that if they were killed by government goons the world would
still have their gift.

in the final scene, the government agents gathered all who
knew about the machine into a room. he said the machine's inventors won,
the bad old government agents were unsuccessful in plugging all the leaks,
the secret was out. then, when all in the room are expecting
to be killed, the agent says (approx): we now enter a brave new world.
all shreds of privacy are gone. all our lives are an open book. you may
go now, gentlemen, and may you all burn in hell.

does anyone here know the name of that story? spike

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