Why debate ethics?

From: Zenarchy (J.R.Molloy@shasta.com)
Date: Tue Dec 01 1998 - 15:28:14 MST

The following clip illustrates why extropists need to maintain dialog and
converse with the general public to relieve anxiety and ethical concerns
about acclerating hightech/biotech/nanotech... -zen

*** Biotech companies face backlash if no ethical debate

ADELAIDE (Reuters) - Scientists and biotechnology companies pursuing
genetic research should promote full and open debate on their work or
risk public backlash which could halt their studies, a leading
bioethicist said Monday. Senior Australian judge Michael Kirby said
the debate on the cloning of human cells, sparked by the cloning of
Dolly the sheep in Scotland in 1996, highlighted the risks when
science outstrips debate on ethics. "Unless there is a proper,
thorough explanation to the community of the scientific arguments for
cloning, the natural response of a community ignorant of the
potential benefits is to simply say 'this is unnatural...we should
ban it,'" he said.

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