Re: Extropianism and Transhumanism

Date: Tue Dec 01 1998 - 14:25:43 MST

John, Prince von Rittergeist asks:

"Please forgive a novice's question, but could someone give me a clear
distinction between Extropianism and Transhumanism? From what I've been
to glean from the web, Extropianism seems to be a subset of Transhumanism,
but I would appreciate a clear explanation of what the differences are
between the two."

Well, John, I used to think that extropians were explicitly libertarian
transhumanists, but since the founder has - to my surprise and chagrin -
recently disavowed that definition, I find myself wondering as well. So,
Max, aside from assent to the EPs, what exactly is the distinguishing
characteristic nowadays?


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