Re: The last tv show that changed my life ...

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Tue Dec 01 1998 - 06:39:27 MST

The last show that really changed some fundamental
ideas I had was PBS's "The Glorious Accident", now
available as a boook. Here's the description:

The Glorious Accident

by Wim Kayzer

Kayzer envisioned gathering together a group of
renowned thinkers to discuss the all-encompassing
question of what it is that we know about why we are
here. He met individually with Oliver Sacks, Stephen
Jay Gould, Daniel Dennett, Freeman Dyson, Rupert
Sheldrake, and Stephen Toulmin, then gathered the
group together for a discussion. By the time they had
finished, they had addressed the nature of
consciousness, what people derive most from
consciousness -- knowledge or understanding, and
such personal questions as what fascinated panel
members as children and what drives them today.


Maybe available in video at your local library. Also
greatly agree with Cosmos, Connections, The Ascent
of Man(kind), and of course Pee Wee's Playhouse. ;-)

Scott Badger

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