Re: The last tv show that changed my life ...

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Mon Nov 30 1998 - 21:43:15 MST

maxm wrote:

> Funny enough I cannot remember a single tv-show that has had any kind of
> lasting impact on me. Can any of you?

star trek. at the time (1968) the sci fi options for the tv viewer were so
it was an insult to even my 7 year old brain. then star trek came along,
and it was a bolt from the clear sky. i have often wondered what made
that show so very special. i realized what it was recently while in a video
store which had a section called "sci-fi / horror". so. our future is
but star trek dared to predict a future where mankind did pretty well for
herself. things were working out. not perfect, but damned good.
that had a great impact on me. spike

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