Re: Gender and Cognitive Style

From: Kathryn Aegis (
Date: Mon Nov 30 1998 - 16:51:56 MST

At 10:43 PM 11/27/98 +0100, Eugene Leitl wrote:
>So genotype, karyotype and phenotype is irrelevant, and the
>animal kingdom is entirely androgynous as well, as we all well

Eugene, you have not distinguished between the terms 'sex' and 'gender', a
distinction utilized by most journals on the topic. 'Sex' refers to the
sort of biological matters that you listed above. 'Gender', the topic at
hand, includes cultural perceptions, societal roles and distribution of
resources and power--much of which at present is based on religious dogma
and primitive superstitions rather than current testing data and scientific

Kathryn Aegis

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