Re: EMERGENCY: Please help

From: den Otter (
Date: Mon Nov 30 1998 - 04:12:05 MST

> From: Randy <>

> Ken, do you have money to pay for his cryopreservation?
> You need to out ice on his head, and contact Alcor (CryoCare does not

Neither does Alcor (for good reasons). Too many legal problems and
too much of a financial risk.

> take last minute patients).
> Try ACS or TransTime.

Cryonics Institute ( might be a better idea
in this case. It's much cheaper and (probably) the most likely to accept
such a case (though I wouldn't count on it). Also, I've heard that ACS
( stores brains for about $ 15,000. Otherwise,
you may attempt dry ice storage for example, or buying an ultra-low
temperature freezer or even a LN2 storage set (one container for storing
the LN2 and one for the patient, connected by a transfer system.
Sometimes such sets can be leased from LN2 suppliers).

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