Re DNA indexing: American Red Cross

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Nov 27 1998 - 12:36:37 MST

From: "Ken Meyering" <>

>A universal identification system based on DNA would be enough to
>provide a very high level of peace time security.

>"If you have ever given blood, you are now excused from paying
>taxes. We've got a big database. It's very well cross-referenced.
>If you're lying, we'll know."

> - Men In Black

>See (Taxpayer I.D. System front-op)

>P.S. Don't laugh. Just donate blood, then stop paying taxes.

It's funny you mentioned this today, just last night on "48 hours"
they had a piece about national level coordination between states
that take DNA samples from prisoners. A Florida serial rapist was
caught by his sample from a Virginia database.

Member,Extropy Institute.

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